Sunday, June 28, 2009

Burundi Team Updates (6/28/09)

Allison McElroy, Saturday evening, June 27: Hi Everyone! We have arrived to Rwanda! After many long flights we have made it. We just barely made the flight from Chicago to London (who knew you could run that fast in an airport!) London was simply amazing. It’s very cool to know that God was there when all of those amazing sites were built and all of those historic people were alive! And he is here with us now! We had a fun flight from London to Nairobi and we finally saw our missionaries beautiful, smiling and welcoming faces when we arrived in the airport in Kigali. Everything is beautiful here from the mountains, food, and most importantly, the people. The hosts here are wonderful and the food is AMAZING! It is truly a blessing for me and the team to interact with the people and learn their culture. We met some of the local pastors last night and we felt God calling us to encourage the church here and continually be praying for the people of Rwanda. Today we had a time of learning and studying with Debby Thomas as she shared her knowledge with us. She talked about her business plans and we even got to see the beginnings of the Moringa tree farm. She is an amazing woman of God and it is truly spectacular to see her love and compassion for the people here. She even helped me understand my own call to teaching and I know Christ has a lot in store for me. We then went to the missionary compound and saw one of the churches here in Rwanda. Next, we went to the open market and got to see how the people sell their goods and how umm… eager they are to sell you their items! Everything was wonderful and all of the fabrics we saw were just absolutely breathtaking! Who knew there were so many different styles! Now we have a time of rest and are getting ready for some more remarkable food! We are looking forward to Burundi but embracing our time here in Rwanda. Michelle, Brad, Chelsea, and The Thomas family are a guiding light for us here and it is fun to ask them questions and see how they live. They truly love the people here and are showing the light of Christ to all who come near. I miss everyone and am excited to show you all of the ways God is working in the world. Continue praying for our safe travel and our interactions with the people! Thank you for everything and we will see you soon!

Deborah Kind, Saturday evening, June 27: Hello Friends! I must say, this trip has already been amazing and the Lord has really blessed our time traveling and in Rwanda. After MANY hours of traveling, we spent the day yesterday in Kigali, Rwanda with Brad and Chelsea Carpenter and Debbie Thomas. We were all exhausted, yet excitedly persevered through our drowsiness to tour the city, shop, and visit with Rwandan leaders. Our time so far has really opened my eyes to the work the Lord has done and is doing here in Rwanda. Last night we met with leaders in the Rwandan Yearly Meeting who all expressed their joy over us being there to visit them and encourage them. However, it was apparent that us visitors were the ones who were really being encouraged. Those of us unseasoned travelers are experiencing a unique opportunity here in Rwanda. We are surrounded by former, current, and future missionaries, local church leaders, and EFM “trophy” Chuck Mylander. Willard and Doris Ferguson started the mission work here in Rwanda, Gary and Connie Young soon came alongside, Dave and Debbie Thomas are involved in exciting new opportunities with the Rwandan people, and Brad and Chelsea are just getting started! This is definitely an exciting time to be here in Rwanda, with so many powerful servants of the Lord. As Chuck Mylander told us last night, “Tonight…you are in the presence of greatness”. We will only be here in Rwanda a couple more days before moving on to Burundi. But so far, the Lord has really shown me that He has a plan and He will follow that plan until completion. That is evidenced in the rich mission history here in Rwanda, also in my personal life—from the time I was a little girl praying and raising money for Rwanda until the day I am here myself, witnessing the fruit of the labors and prayers of so many at home. I am excited to continue on our journey to Burundi and continue to learn about their rich mission history there. The Lord is great, and He is present among us! Thank you so much for your prayers!!

Gary Young, Sat June 27: Hello to each of you. We are so thankful for all your prayers for us. Our meeting last night was so very precious as we all felt the love and kinship in Jesus! God is so good! This morning our team met and Debbie Thomas shared about how God has lead here in ministry to whole communities through the Maringa tree business. Then we went out to see the tree nursery and to hear how God had provided the property and helped her make contacts that have helped her learn how to make evangelism part of helping the lives of the people. I personally found my spirit resonating with her story as God has also called me to work with people who feel hopeless and need God’s help.

Connie Young, Sat June 27: We are so grateful for your prayers. We arrived with seven pieces of luggage missing! We picked up the last piece this morning. Gratefully, nothing seems to be missing. The Lord’s presence has certainly been evident. We will be attending various churches in the Kigali area tomorrow. They have done an excellent job taking care of us. The food has been very good! Blessings to all of you!


  1. It's SO good to read your updates and remember the excitement of all the new sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Africa! I know that you are growing and learning so much as you have all these experiences. Allison - great job on your update! Way to use those broadcast report writing skills! I love you so much and can't wait to talk and share our stories when you get back. Love to all!

  2. We are so glad God is working all the details out - and that you are all being blessed by those around you. You are continually in our prayers.
