ABOVE: part of 09 Burundi Team at Orientation
Note that Burundi is 7 hours ahead of US Central Time.
June 24-July 12:
Burundi, Congo, Rwanda
Michelle Carpenter
Brad & Chelsea Carpenter
Larry & Dee Choate
Larry Jr. Choate
Wayne DeCamp III
Willard Ferguson
Megan Frazier
Sue Hays
Brianna Hays
Donnie Hinshaw
Casey Holden
David & Mae Kellum
Ryan Kendall
Deb Kind
Andreia Leininger
Matt Macy
Allison McElroy
Chuck Mylander
Jennifer Stanley
David Thomas
Elizabeth Dawn Todd
Gary & Connie Young
July 1-14: Burundi
Randall Brown
Debbie Brown
Dalene Hutson
Ray Kallenbach
Ruth Kemper
Jeff Morrison
Stephanie Pribble
David Robinson
Charity Sandstrom
Schedule of 75th Anniversary trip to Burundi
June 22
David & Mae Kellum arrive to Buju 8:30am
June 24 Wed Team A & B (flight itinerary for those leaving Wichita)
2:40pm United 5718 Wichita to 4:31pm Chicago
6:00pm United 928 Chicago to 8:15am London
June 25 Thu Team A & B
8:00pm Kenya Air 101 London to 6:30am Nairobi
June 26 Fri Team A & B
7:45am Kenya Air 476 Nairobi to 8:10am Kigali
Orientation at guest house
Rest and lunch
City tour and shopping
Dinner, team meeting, rest
June 27 Sat Team A & B
Genocide memorial
Debrief, lunch, Discipleship for Development and BAM talks
June 28 Sun Team A & B
Split up and visit various churches
June 29 Mon
-David Thomas drives 5 visitors (group A) to Congo via Bujumbura in Thomas vehicle
(note that these 5 persons have already received multi-entry visas for Burundi from
-Group A 2:30pm meet Congo Friends at Congo Border, ministry and worship service,
overnight in Uvira, Congo
-Group B travel from Kigali to Bujumbura by private bus Bujumbura.
-Group B will purchase visas at border.
-Group B will spend overnight in Bujumbura
June 30 Tue
-Group A travel to Abeka, Congo visit sites, ministry and worship service
-Group B will need to purchase one-month visas in Bujumbura
-Group B visit around Bujumbura some before going to Gitega.
-Group B spend night in Gitega
July 1 Wed
-Group A day of seminars in Abeka,
-Group B go to stadium in morning for Independence day celabrations
-Group B have time of rest in afternoon.
-Group C departs Wichita 2:40pm United 5718 to Chicago 4:31pm
-Group C departs Chicago 9:15pm United 938 to London 11:15am
July 2 Thu
-Group A day of seminars in Abeka, evening musical by Congolese
-Group B participate with Brad in Fidele’s request for a youth seminar at Kibimba about
the faith. This is with youth from Kibimba and Kabuguzo quarterly meeting.
-Group B non-youth participate in other various ministries from ideas list or by Burundi
request and/or tour around Kibimba
-Group C departs London 8:00pm Kenya Air 101 to Nairobi 6:30am
July 3 Fri
-Group A departs Abeka, Congo at 9:30am and crosses border to Bujumbura
-Group B continued ministry up country from list of ministry ideas
-Group C departs Nairobi 7:50am Kenya Air 470 to Bujumbura 8:30am
-Group C (9 persons) arrives to Bujumbura at 8:30am and will need time to rest and
-Groups A & C will be welcomed at Kamenge church (be ready for greetings, a couple
of testimonies or more, and possibly singing a song or two – maybe a skit!)
July 4 Sat
-Group A and C travel to Gitega for Lunch. In afternoon all go to Kibimba for ‘the
events’ (maybe tour of compound and exhibition/sale of women crafts, knittings,
baskets, artistic articles and other products made by Friends, including entertainment
by the Kibogoye Friends Drummers and Dancers). Supper at Kibimba, sharing the
African/Burundi dishes. Spend night at Gitega.
July 5 Sun
-big day of celebrations
-Levy says “you can prepare a song but also during the greetings you will present all the
team and there is a time for someone from your team to express your feelings.”
July 6 & 7 Mon & Tue
-Pontien’s request: Mylander, Robinson, Carpenter GLLT teaching at Kwibuka
-others not involved with GLLT do other ministry
-Ministry with youth from Kwibuka, Mirama and Musama at Kwibuka
-Pastors seminar at Kibimba (many adults not involved with GLLT or youth will team
teach at the Pastors seminar) Fidele’s request: “Seminar for the chairmen and Pastors,
you will teach about the leadership”
-July 7 Chuck Mylander needs transportation to Bujumbura and guest house to leave
July 8 Wed
-probably other ministry options on these days
-may visit Mweya
-Chuck Mylander leaves Bujumbura at 9:30am
-historic tour: visit Mutaho, Cagura and possibly other sites
-back to Gitega for lodging
July 9 Thu
-historic tour: visit Mweya, Ruyiga, Kwisumo, Mageyo, Mirama,
-back to Gitega for lodging
July 10 Fri
-Team A & B travel back to Bujumbura. Shopping and sightseeing and packing
overnight in Buju
-Team C Ministry work at hospital
July 11 Sat
-Team C Ministry work at hospital or from Ministry ideas list
-Team A & B depart Buju 9:20am Kenya Air 471 to Nairobi 12pm
-Team A & B picked up by Award Safaris and taken on safari through Nairobi National
5:30pm dinner at Carnivore Restaurant
7:30pm return to Jomo Kenyatta Airport
-Team A & B depart Nairobi 11:45pm Kenya Air 102 to London 6:45am
July 12 Sun
-Team C worships in different churches around Kibimba, lunch at Kibimba, and travel to
Bujumbura afternoon, shopping, sightseeing.
-Team A & B depart London 3:20pm United 959 to Chicago 6:24pm
-Team A & B depart Chicago 8:15pm United 5702 to Wichita 10:11pm
July 13 Mon
-Team C depart Bujumbura Kenya Air 468 to Nairobi 1:40pm
-Team C picked up by Award Safaris and taken on safari through Nairobi National Park
5:30pm dinner at Carnivore Restaurant
7:30pm return to Jomo Kenyatta Airport
-Team C depart Nairobi 11:45pm Kenya Air 102 to London 6:45am
July 14 Tue
-Team C depart London 12:20pm United 949 to Chicago 3:21pm
-Team C depart Chicago 5:05pm United 795 to Wichita 6:55pm
July 16
David & Mae Kellum leave Buju 9:20am
We, of course, are all one big team, but we are using the following designations to clarify various schedule differences:
Team A:Willard Ferguson
Sue Hays
Donnie Hinshaw
Ryan Kendall
Chuck Mylander
David Thomas
Team B:
David & Mae Kellum
Brad & Chelsea Carpenter
Chelsea Carpenter
Larry & Dee Choate
Larry Chilson Choate Jr.
Wayne DeCamp
Megan Frazier
Brianna Hays
Casey Holden
Deb Kind
Andreia Leininger
Matt Macy
Allison McElroy
Jennifer Stanley
Gary & Connie Young
Team C:Randall Brown
Debbie Brown
Dalene Hutson
Ray Kallenbach
Ruth Kemper
Jeff Morrison
Stephanie Pribble
David Robinson
Charity Sandstrom